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Xenonex helps you take the leap to a Coaching Career

Many coaches that form part of the ever growing Xenonex team once had to make the decision to go it alone.  We know that it is not an easy step but for those of us who are passionate about coaching it has been a way to develop and fulfil our career ambitions.


When discussing the range of coaching programmes we offer, the conversation often turns to how and when to make the transition to working as a self-employed executive coach.  I found this article amongst my emails, adapted from “Leaving a Stable Job to Create Your Dream Career,” by Monique Valcour, an executive coach and academic.  It struck a chord.  


If you’d like to make a career transition but you’re worried about leaving a stable job, how do you take the leap? And how do you decide on your next move? Start by following your energy and interests. Pay attention to what engages and excites you. What stimulates your intellect? Once you know what you want to pursue, learn more about the work involved through research and networking. Instead of making a huge change all at once, try out the work in a low-risk way by taking on side projects or consulting. Remember that creating a fulfilling career is an ever-evolving process.


Xenonex are currently recruiting for our ILM7 open programme in Executive Coaching and Mentoring starting in Leeds in June 2016. This is an ideal qualification for those looking to lead a coach practice or work as an executive coach.  
The programme is designed to enable learners to critically review the role and contribution of coaching and mentoring at a senior level and helps you build a specific bank of tools and strategies designed for the corporate arena.


Xenonex is an approved ILM Centre and is recognised for the quality and standard of its training in the National ILM Hall of Fame. The Xenonex team trains internal and external coaches and has experience of developing and embedding coaching within the public and private sector.  


For more information call 0113 322 9234 or email jo.watson@xenonex.co.uk.


Suzanna Prout