+44(0) 1423546162

Why choose e-learning?


Xenonex Online Academy was developed in response to the changing needs of our clients and how we can deliver innovative programmes utilising technology.  Technology has changed the way of learning and working beyond recognition.  Online learning and training in the workplace is a much more efficient and cost effective way of training and developing staff - employees no longer have to travel to take a full day, or a week, out of the office to attend a full day’s training, workshop or conference.     

Online / digital learning, enables employees and individuals to learn and refresh their skills, in bite-sized chunks, without leaving their desk.  Our extremely successful online Management Essentials programmes encompass 10 units with reflective workbooks containing all the elements of a very effective online learning programme, which is very interactive and covers key principles, such as:

  1. Understanding your leadership style and approach
  2. Raising self-awareness and developing others within your team
  3. How to give effective feedback
  4. How to understand others and how to adapt your style to get results
  5. How to understand the decision-making process;
  6. How to solve problems effectively at work
  7. Learn how to have more effective and impactful coaching conversations
  8. How to successfully handle conflict in the workplace
  9. How to understand the benefits of delegation and how to delegate effectively
  10. How to identify and deal with customer needs to exceed their expectations.


All of these units have been aligned to ILM specifications.

As Xenonex is an approved ILM centre, delegates have the option to upgrade to either the online ILM 3 Award or the ILM 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management, upon completion of the online Management Essentials Programme.

Online learning has become paramount for workplace working and efficiency:

Anytime, anywhere: Online learning is an absolute must in today’s world, not only because it provides learners with an exceptionally rich learning experience, but also because it’s a time and cost effective option for organisations and provides a positive Return on Investment (ROI).  E-learning enables employees to work through what they need to be successful from the comfort of their desk, on their commute or at home.

Increasing Productivity:  Self-paced online learning is proven to lead to an increase in productivity, as employees can train at home, in their own time and at their own pace, whilst also focusing on their core tasks while at work. Learning in their free time, in an environment other than work space, is known to lead to better performance and higher efficiency, whilst also allowing users to revisit elements on an as-and-when basis.

Research: shows that online learning is just as effective as face-to-face programmes, with the added bonus of automated, digital prompts that compel learners to put their new skills into practice.  According to IBM statistics, e-learning can increase productivity by 50%. The use of online learning software allows you, as an organisation, to provide your employees with an opportunity to engage in their training courses at any convenient time.

Engaging: According to Brandon Hall (2001 and Rosenberg 2001), e-learning can increase knowledge retention rate by 25-60%, simply because it is much more engaging than learning in a traditional classroom setting. The simple fact is that e-learning provides those participating with a variety of interactive content and media, which is known to be easier to not only engage with, but retain.



The Xenonex online Academy makes learning engaging, faster and more effective. 

Contact us today to find out more.