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Our Top 100 most powerful women? How should we really define power and who are our true Mentors?

The Queen, Home Secretary Theresa May and Santander bank boss Ana Botin have been declared the UK's top three most powerful women in a BBC survey.A panel of judges compiled a list of the country's 100 most influential females for Radio 4's Woman's Hour.


I read with keen interest yesterday, when this list was published. Unfortunately, the names were disappointingly obvious and the choices were, at times predictable and lazy.
I don’t disagree that the list was laden with career-driven women, who had no doubt battled hard to climb to the very top of their key sector.


There were hoards of Board room ball-crunchers ,from singers to speechwriters, judges to journalists. But where were our true women mentors, the real inspirers of the next generation of strong, balanced women?


Where were the names of our doctors and nurses who endlessly, and often without praise, give their lives to saving others? Where were the names of our teachers who dedicate every day to feeding the minds and imagination of our children, to empower them to become confident, well-rounded individuals?


And where were the names of the millions of Mums across the country, who, on a daily basis, make more life-changing decisions than any CEO. Who shape and nurture their children and juggle the pressures of work and home?

These are the real women of influence and power in the UK and so today, I am writing another list of the most influential women in the UK which starts with my Doctor, my children’s teachers, Brownie Leader, Karate teacher, Football coach, my Mum, my sister and not forgetting.............me.

Suzanna Prout