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What a New Team Leader Should Do First

At Xenonex we work with many leaders who are new to an organisation or who are managing new teams through a period of great change.


I came across the article below online (adapted from " What New Team Leaders Should Do First" by Carolyn O'Hara) and it sparked some great debate amongst the Xenonex team! 


Have a read and see if you agree.  Are these are the correct areas for a new team leader to focus on?  

Please share your own ideas with us.

New team leaders often skip over the basics of team building in a rush to start achieving goals. But your actions in the first few weeks and months have a major impact on whether your team delivers results. Here’s how to set things up for success:
Get to know one another. Resist the urge to jump right into the work and focus instead on fostering camaraderie with team-building exercises.
Showcase your values. Explain what's behind each of your decisions, what your priorities are, and how you will evaluate the team's performance.
Explain how you want the team to work. Not everyone knows the best ways to ask for help or go about tasks. Set expectations and explain processes.
Set or clarify goals. Make clear what the team is working toward and how you expect to get there. Setting goals

early on lays the framework for holding team members accountable.

Xenonex delivers innovative and bespoke client-centered solutions in Executive Coaching, Leadership Development and training across the UK. We work at Executive, Senior and Middle Management levels to maximise and transform the way people work.


To find out more contact Jo Watson, Business Development Manager on 01423 876371, email jo.watson@xenonex.co.uk

Suzanna Prout