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How Leaders Can Make It Right

If you’re in a position of leadership, it’s likely that at some point you will manage to upset or alienate your team.


So how do you get them back on side?


These edited tips from Michael Hyatt, a US author, consultant and speaker, might help.

Take responsibility. The health of our teams is critically important to our success as leaders. Because of that, we need to be willing to take responsibility for whatever harm or hurt we’ve caused. What about harm we haven’t actually caused? Keep the expression, “You can be right or you can be happy” in mind!


Don’t be defensive. By taking the defensive posture, we’re only preserving our egos, not our relationships. In fact, we’re actually causing serious damage because we’re essentially abandoning those we’ve hurt.


Avoid ifs, ands, or buts. There may be mitigating circumstances and/or reasons beyond our control for what happened but the middle of a crisis is usually not the best time to bring it up. The fine line between explanation and excuse can easily be missed or misinterpreted.


Express empathy. Our teams won’t feel alone if we identify with what they’re feeling and share it. Taking responsibility enables this step to occur.


Ask forgiveness. If we value our people enough we should ask forgiveness. It’s in everyone’s best interest to move on and get onto better things.





What do you think stops leaders from making things right with their teams? Let us know.



Xenonex delivers innovative and bespoke client-centered solutions in Executive CoachingLeadership Development and training across the UK. We work at Executive, Senior and Middle Management levels to maximise and transform the way people work.

To find out more contact Jo Watson, Business Development Manager on 01423 876371 or email jo.watson@xenonex.co.uk



Suzanna Prout