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Make Feedback Part of Your Routine

Feedback offers a useful part of coaching to help inform self-awareness amongst other things.  It enables individuals to learn more about how they come across and analyse any emerging themes.


At Xenonex we work with many busy senior level executives who can find it difficult to make time to give their own employees feedback. But it is a vital way to coach and support those within your organisation and should not be rushed or even worse dropped completely.


These tips from the HBR Guide to Coaching Employees suggest how to make it easier to give quick and effective feedback.


Create a standard way in. Reduce the time you spend mulling over each conversation by establishing a simple way to open feedback discussions. “I’m going to give you some feedback” or ”Are you open to my coaching on this?” gets immediate attention and sets the right tone.


Be blunt. If you’ve ever said “maybe you could...” or asked an employee to “think about” a performance issue, you’re likely not being blunt enough. Be honest, sincere, and personal while addressing the issue head-on.


Ask him to play it back. To avoid having the same conversation again and again, make sure your employee can clearly explain what he needs to change or do next.


Xenonex offers a full range tools designed to raise awareness, inform learning and bring about behavioural change where required. These can be used as stand-alone tools or as part of our Executive Coaching programmes.

We deliver innovative and bespoke client-centred solutions in Executive Coaching, Leadership Development and training across the UK. We work at Executive, Senior and Middle Management levels to maximise and transform the way people work.


To find out more contact Jo Watson, Business Development Manager on 01423 876371 or email jo.watson@xenonex.co.uk


Suzanna Prout