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Xenonex Executive Coaching and Mentoring programme in demand

The Xenonex team are busy preparing our ILM7 programme in Executive Coaching and Mentoring which starts in Leeds next week.  We are looking forward to meeting our new delegates and starting work together.


We are thrilled that there has been such a high level of interest and demand for places on this open programme but are not surprised.


We are increasingly talking to organisations keen to embed a coaching culture within the workplace and therefore looking to develop their senior employees expertise and credibility in the fields of coaching and mentoring.  There is also a growth in the use of external coaches by businesses and our ILM programmes offer professional coaches and mentors a way to enhance and accredit their experience with a nationally recognised qualification.


The change of attitude and rise in the use of coaches may partly be a result of the pressures facing business leaders during economic uncertainty. Often those within the most senior leadership positions have fewer opportunities to reflect on their leadership.


Executive coaching is increasingly sought by senior leaders in order that they can have reflective conversations about their work and be challenged on their thinking and approach by someone outside of their organisation. A coach, free of internal agendas, can help a chief executive see how they relate to themselves, to others and to the organisation.


Many organisations employ a coach to support an individual’s transition after an internal promotion or for those entering new senior appointments from outside the organisation.  There is also still a high demand for coaches to work with those who are seen as underperforming in their role.


An emphasis on developing a coaching culture within an organisation can help unlock potential for growth. When it comes to getting the best out of teams and fully engaging employees, a coaching style gets results. Through coaching, managers can encourage learning on the job, which ensures they get work done while also developing their team.


In fact, many chief executives and senior managers wish they had had coaching earlier in their careers and are therefore keen to invest in coaching across all levels of the organisation they work for.


We are always interested to hear about the ways in which mentoring in the workplace has helped you and your business – please share your success stories with us.


If you are a senior manager, HR professional or professional coach looking to develop your expertise and credibility in the fields of coaching and mentoring then contact Xenonex for details of our ILM 7 programmes. Xenonex also has extensive experience in developing and embedding coaching within organisations.  


To find out more contact Jo Watson, Business Development Manager on 01423 876371 or email jo.watson@xenonex.co.uk


Suzanna Prout